Monday, March 17, 2008

Last week Mickey (the director of RDI) and I drove to the provincial rural development office to try to set up a meeting. We arrived to find only a couple of women working. Apparently it was a holiday that we had forgotten about…for good reason. The holiday was International Women’s Day and it was on the previous Saturday (this was Monday). But because the holiday fell on a weekend they thought they should take Monday off. So let me get this straight- the women were at work on International Women’s Day and the men were off celebrating a day devoted to the advancement of women’s rights. Hmmmm, very interesting.


Erin Root said...

this should be vurrryyyy interesting.......

eje said...

I should try that at my office...

I love yer blog, ms. printy. it's so nice to hear what you're up to! it sounds like you've got a great situation going there. can't wait for more posts

